- Online coaching available
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Coaching Methods
Me mihi ka tika ki te Atua te kaihanga o ngā mea katoa
Ka toro atu aku ringa ki a ia
mō ōna tini tauwhirotanga
kua uhia mai ki runga i a tātou
Heoi anō he honore ki tōna ingoa tapu
Mauri ora e te whānau whānui o te motu nei. I am passionately compelled to see individuals, groups, whānau, partnerships, work places, and communities in any context flourishing and thriving from a position of health, wholeness and strength. I enjoy being a part of people's journey in discovering and deepening their understanding around what strengths they innately possess, and how they can best express and use these in all relationships and professional settings. I believe that people who embrace how they are uniquely wired, and utilise their strengths with a mature character and the right set of skills and knowledge, experience a better quality of life and relationships. I am deeply interested in you and can adapt my coaching style in order to maximise your learning and outcomes.
Kia kaha, Kia māia, Kia Manawanui