David Pearce
Strategic, Connectedness, Focus, Maximizer, Belief
021 999 448
David Pearce
Coaching Expertise
Careers, Leadership, Personal Development, Executive Coaching, Life Coaching, Not for Profit Organizations, Youth, Consulting services to organisations.
Coaching Methods
Personal coaching; face to face and via Skype / FaceTime. Group workshops. Consultancy.

David’s coaching and consulting business more of me is positively obsessed with helping individuals and teams to first see, then realize, more of their possibilities.

Using a combination of personal coaching and a range of practical self development tools, clients work through a self directed, self paced process of discovery and insight; to create and then progress, their own customized more map.

The more of me model challenges clients to first ‘go inside before they go outside’ in search of what is their more. The more core has three elements:

1. Commit to yourself
2. Be the expert in you
3. Set your compass

Within ‘expert in you’, the Clifton strengthsfinder ® process is one of four valuable tools David offers clients to gain a full appreciation of themselves and from there, to grow and leverage their strengths.

The ‘set your compass’ module enables clients to improve their focus and to ‘be guided by what matters most’.

The beneficial outcomes of the more of me model are numerous, but David believes they are all commonly founded on clients finding and applying a fuller sense of their authenticity. For example; when next looking to change their work – they’ll be far better equipped to find work ‘where the best in them, meets the best for them’.

Get in Touch with David Pearce

Essentials Coaching

This coach has successfully completed the Coaching CliftonStrengths® Essentials Accreditation, providing them with a sound understanding of the CliftonStrengths tool and equipping them with strategies and resources to effectively coach individuals on how to maximise talents and manage weakness.



Partnership Coaching

This coach has successfully completed the Coaching CliftonStrengths® Partnerships Accreditation, enabling them to help individuals partner with each other to meet performance goals and enjoy a deeper level of understanding in both personal and professional relationships.



Team Coaching

This coach has successfully completed the Coaching CliftonStrengths® Teams Accreditation, enabling them to facilitate coaching sessions where teams discover the impact and potential of their combined talents.



Advanced Coaching

This coach has successfully completed the Coaching CliftonStrengths Advanced Accreditation, enabling them to provide in-depth and ongoing coaching for individuals seeking to discover insight from their full CliftonStrengths report.



Masterclass Distinction

Our most experienced coaches who have completed all levels of training with Strengths Network have the opportunity to gain the Masterclass Distinction. These coaches have passed an assessment designed to highlight their exemplary grasp on the heart and the art of Strengths’ coaching.