Strengths Journal



The Strengths Journal is a tool for coaches to give their clients to support on-going development, providing them with a way to deepen their own personal journey or discovery, and providing coaches with the opportunity of regular check-ins to discuss or chat about a client’s wonderings.

This journal can be used with individuals and also groups of people, where a manager, or a family or any group of people could reflect individually on each of the sections one at a time with the intent of sharing their “Summary” page with each other. Sharing their discoveries and wonderings could promote their growth as a team or group as well as maintain their CliftonStrengths fluency. This is an ideal way to keep the tool “alive” in between sessions, or once you have finished working with them. Note the QR codes at the top of the Theme pages. These link them directly to the “Strengths Insight” videos and are an amazing way to remind them of their unique talents. There is also a QR code to link them to the “I Bring / I Need” resource. These can’t help but encourage your clients to explore their themes more and start the journey from talent to strength. Journals will only be available to members of the Network.

For orders of 21 or more please contact Kim,

Bulk pricing: 21-50 $12 each, 51+ $10 each plus postage.

Price in NZD and includes GST.

Payment will be directed to the CYS Payment Express page for your credit card payment.