Terms and Conditions
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Training Prerequisites
Coaching Strengths | Essentials
Participants must have completed their CliftonStrengths® online assessment and received individual Top 5 coaching themselves. Participants must provide a reference as part of their course registration.
Coaching Strengths | Advanced
Participants must be accredited in Coaching Individuals | Essentials (Top 5) prior to attending this courses. Participants MUST have unlocked their CliftonStrengths® 34 report via the Gallup Access website and, while not compulsory, they are strongly encouraged to receive CS34 coaching themselves prior to the course.
Coaching Strengths | Partnerships & Teams
Participants must be accredited in Coaching Individuals | Essentials (Top 5) prior to attending this course (either the Partnerships or Teams module), and have completed a minimum of 25 individual Top 5 coaching sessions. This can include the six accreditation sessions required for Coaching Individuals | Essentials accreditation. Participants attending the Teams module must have attended the Partnership Module first. They do not need to be accredited.
Depending on the content, some workshops may be open to all coaches and others to coaches with specific training levels. Check the course information for specific requirements.
Pre-Course Work
Any pre-course work will be sent at least one week before the course starts. This work will need to be brought to the training.
Each component of the training is critical to the process and full participation is required to qualify as an accredited coach.
Post-Training Requirements
Participants will be expected to carry out the required number of coaching sessions, as listed below, within 12 months of the training course. Following the coaching sessions, coachees will be requested to submit online feedback about the coaching received.
Coaching Individuals | Essentials Accreditation: SIX feedback evaluations.
Coaching Partnerships Accreditation: THREE feedback evaluations from three separate partnerships.
Coaching Teams Accreditation: THREE feedback evaluations from three separate teams.
Coaching Individuals | Advanced Accreditation: THREE feedback evaluations.
Once the Strengths Network office has received all feedback evaluations, participants will attend (in person or via phone/Zoom etc) a final interview with an experienced senior coach.
Once all of the requirements have been met successfully each participant will be awarded the qualification of Strengths Network Essentials, Advanced, Partnerships or Teams Accredited Coach and will receive a completion certificate.
Strengths Network was established to provide training in the South Pacific in 2008. However, Strengths Network is an independent organisation and those who are trained by the Strengths Network are not Gallup Certified Coaches but Strengths Network Accredited Coaches.
Ongoing Support | Membership
Coaching CliftonStrengths | Essentials course participants receive a 12 month complimentary Network membership. At the anniversary of their training they are given the option of renewing their membership for the remainder of the current membership year. The membership year runs from 1 August – 31 July. From this point participants will be offered the opportunity to renew their membership annually along with the rest of the Network membership. Membership subscription fees are set annually, with a subsidy option and group discounts available.
We recommend all Accredited Coaches join the Strengths Network for ongoing support, resources and professional development. We provide workshops for coaches to continue their development and have opportunities throughout Aotearoa/New Zealand and Australia for coaches to meet together for networking and mentoring opportunities throughout the year.
For those belonging to the Network we also provide regular feedback opportunities via the online forms available on the Strengths Network website.
Each Strengths Network Accredited Coach will have the option of being listed on the website directory.
Course Cancellation
Strengths Network courses combine lecture-style instruction and group activities, both in person and online. Each session has a minimum/maximum number of participants required to ensure a successful learning experience. Strengths Network reserves the right to cancel any session that does not reach the minimum number of participants on or before the Confirmation Date listed and will notify all registered participants of the cancellation at that time. We also reserve the right to close off registrations if the maximum numbers for a course has been reached. We encourage participants to plan their travel and accommodation once the course has been confirmed as each participant is responsible for their own travel/accommodation expenses.
Strengths Network reserves the right to make changes to training events as necessary and will endeavour to inform participants in a timely manner.
Participant Cancellation | Transfer
If you cannot attend a Strengths Network course for which you are registered, you will need to notify us no later than THREE WEEKS PRIOR to the course START date to receive a full refund.
Course Materials and Resources
All course materials and customised resources are the property of Strengths Network. Each participant is given access to these resources for the purposes of individual, group, partnership and team coaching only. Course materials may be sent prior to the course start date, eg in the case of online training events. If a participant does not attend the course or payment for the course is not received the full set of materials must be returned immediately at the participant’s expense.
Gallup, StrengthsFinder, Clifton StrengthsFinder, CliftonStrengths, and each of the 34 Clifton StrengthsFinder theme names are the trademarks of Gallup, Inc.
Any Questions
If you have any questions regarding this course, please contact the Strengths Network at office@strengthsnetwork.org or phone +64 3 929 0541.
WEAVE Terms & Conditions
WEAVE has a minimum/maximum number of participants required to ensure a successful event. Strengths Network reserves the right to cancel WEAVE if the minimum number of participants is not reached on or before the confirmation date listed. Strengths Network will notify all registered participants of the cancellation on or before December 13th 2023. We also reserve the right to close off registrations at any point if the maximum numbers for the event have been reached.
If you register for WEAVE and then are unable to attend, you will need to notify us no later than THREE weeks prior to WEAVE to receive a full refund.
In the event of an unforeseen circumstance requiring you to cancel between THREE weeks and ONE week prior to the event, Strengths Network will provide a 50% refund on your registration fee. Unfortunately no refund will be available if cancellation is within SEVEN DAYS of the event.
Participants are to plan their travel, accommodation and parking and are responsible for the cost of these.
Strengths Network encourages participants not to book non-refundable travel & accommodation until after WEAVE is confirmed (December 13th 2022). Strengths Network is unable to cover travel and accommodation costs in the event of a cancellation.
If you have any questions regarding this event, please contact office@strengthsnetwork.org or phone +64 3 929 0541.