All people are important & need to be seen, heard & understood. Strengths Network exists to recognise what is right in ourselves & others in order to create clarity & unity.
We will lead a ‘Strengths movement’ in the South Pacific by inspiring every individual, family, community, place of learning or work, to engage with CliftonStrengths® in order to understand that each person has a unique contribution to make in the world.
We are an organisation that exists to develop individuals and teams using CliftonStrengths®.
The Strengths Network was established in 2006 to:
– provide CliftonStrengths® coaching for individuals, partnerships and teams; – train, support and resource Strengths Network accredited coaches; – create opportunities for members of the Network to connect; – promote the importance of coaching and uphold the professional standards of the Strengths Network Code of Ethics.
The Network is made up of accredited Strengths Network coaches whose common mission is to actively work together towards the Strengths revolution in the South Pacific. Network members can also enjoy the support of their coaching peers and their local Hub leaders, who are committed to hosting local gatherings to connect, and present the latest resources and tools.
Our Accredited Strengths Coaches are available to work with individuals and teams.