Jason Henderson
Adaptability, Developer, Positivity, Belief, Ideation
027 245 9382

Masterclass Accredited Coach

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Coaching Expertise
Education, Small Business, Leadership, Personal Development, Executive Coaching, Life Coaching, Not for Profit Organisations, Youth
Coaching Methods
In Person or Online. Individuals, Partnerships & Teams. Coaching Packages Available

To me, StrengthsFinder Coaching is about providing people with clarity. Clarity for individuals around what it is that they do best, what energises and motivates them most. Clarity for teams and groups of people who wish to truly understand each other and celebrate the unique contribution each person brings. I have had the privilege over the last three years of working closely with a wide range of individuals, teams and organisations, helping them to discover their strengths and move further towards understanding the beautifully complex dynamic that is humanity. By guiding others through the StrengthsFinder tool, I see my work as an opportunity to provide people with a language that helps them to communicate the things that matter most, after all, its people that matter the most.

He aha te mea nui o te ao
He tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata

What is the most important thing in the world?
It is the people, it is the people, it is the people

Get in Touch with Jason Henderson

Essentials Coaching

This coach has successfully completed the Coaching CliftonStrengths® Essentials Accreditation, providing them with a sound understanding of the CliftonStrengths tool and equipping them with strategies and resources to effectively coach individuals on how to maximise talents and manage weakness.



Partnership Coaching

This coach has successfully completed the Coaching CliftonStrengths® Partnerships Accreditation, enabling them to help individuals partner with each other to meet performance goals and enjoy a deeper level of understanding in both personal and professional relationships.



Team Coaching

This coach has successfully completed the Coaching CliftonStrengths® Teams Accreditation, enabling them to facilitate coaching sessions where teams discover the impact and potential of their combined talents.



Advanced Coaching

This coach has successfully completed the Coaching CliftonStrengths Advanced Accreditation, enabling them to provide in-depth and ongoing coaching for individuals seeking to discover insight from their full CliftonStrengths report.



Masterclass Distinction

Our most experienced coaches who have completed all levels of training with Strengths Network have the opportunity to gain the Masterclass Distinction. These coaches have passed an assessment designed to highlight their exemplary grasp on the heart and the art of Strengths’ coaching.